FALL 2025
Make, Manage, and Multiply Your Money...with a Purpose
Purpose of Wealth 2025
7 Hours
7 Money Mentors
7 Purpose Partners
Fall 2025 | Nashville, TN
Today, over 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. On the other hand, over 10% of American households are millionaire households, and 40% of the world's millionaires live in the United States. Why? For most, the answer is simple. Knowledge, choices, and vision.
The Purpose of Wealth Event isn't just about money. It's about your life and heart. PoW is designed to speak to your heart and mind about money. Our goal is to help you develop and healthy mindset related to money and wealth, equip you with the knowledge to manage your money and build wealth and create a vision for your life and financial future.
PoW will feature four speakers covering different elements of life and money.
Host an Event
Start the Financial Transformation in Your Community
The Purpose of Wealth Event Series is part of a Citywide Financial Transformation System with the goal of equipping communities to break free from generations of poverty and bad financial habits. Life is more than living in debt and struggling with finances. There is a better way.
Using local financial experts as part of a financial speakers group allows us to create a sustainable model for financial transformation in the community. Each event empowers the attendees to make, manage, and multiply their money, and it encourages them to give their money a purpose.
Each event highlights three Purpose Partners from the network of ministries doing work in the local area and abroad. We believe giving your money a purpose early is an important part of everyone's financial journey and goes beyond the teaching of tithing.

About Purpose of Wealth
What is the Purpose of Wealth?
The Purpose of Wealth Event Series is designed as a part of a citywide financial transformation model to help EVERYONE understand their personal finances. Imagine everyone in your city equipped with the financial knowledge and wisdom to transform their financial lives.
The PoW Event helps people reshape their money mindset, addresses fundamentals of personal finance, and explore proven wealth building principles. By bringing together local financial experts to share their life stories, experience and financial wisdom with the mass public, PoW empowers local people to come together and take control of their city's financial landscape.
What's Your Money's Purpose?
In 2025, Give Your Work, Money, and Life a Purpose.
Inpiring, educating, and empowering people how to make, manage and multiply their money with a purpose.
Purpose Partners
Reaching and helping people in need wherever we can. We have a purpose. Do you and your money have a purpose? Everyday people go hungry, women are trafficked, and millions of people are looking for help of any kind. Together, we can make a difference.

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